Take the Test!

CAT-ASVAB.com is currently developing new banks of items to provide high-fidelity true adaptive tests for each of the 10 CAT-ASVAB tests. To publish adaptive tests, we first need to try out the new questions. This provides you with the rare opportunity to take all of our questions for free on the most important tests: WK, PC, MK, AR. These are the tests used to calculate the AFQT score, which determines your eligibility for the US military. Simply click on the links below! You will be directed to a landing page in our professionally designed exam system. A valid email address is required: you will be sent an automated email with your results. Watch your “junk mail” folder!

NOTE: These are “full” tests that are professionally developed – make sure you have at least an hour available to complete each!

Arithmetic Reasoning (AR)

Math Knowledge (MK)

Paragraph Comprehension (PC)

Word Knowledge (WK)